This was the beginning of the Red Army. Its founder was Leon Trotsky, with the title People's Commissar, which he lost in the power struggle against Stalin in 1924. Red Army soldiers man the ...
The Stalin message, delivered as an Order of the Day to the Red Army on Feb. 22 in Moscow on the occasion of the 24th anniversary of the Soviet army, reads in part, as follows: “The Red Army is ...
The tide eventually turned during the Battle of Stalingrad in 1943, when the Red Army eventually defeated the Germans and forced them out of Russia. Among the many atrocities committed by Stalin ...
Stalin hesitated for almost two weeks in May-June 1937 before giving the NKVD the go ahead for the purge of the top Red Army leadership. His response to the growing evidence provided by Nicolai Yezhov ...
He Joined the Red Army in 1918 and rose to great heights as military strategist and administrator. Among other distinctions he held was that of candidate for the Central Committee of the Communist ...
ISBN: 0700617760. Prof. Reese (Texas A&M) gives us a new and different look at the roots of the success of the Red Army in the “Great Patriotic War”. A volume in the excellent UPK series “Modern War ...
“He read his short speech hailing Stalin and the Red Army and calling for national unity. This speech had been written for him by the Soviets and then translated into Korean. At the ...
After Lenin's death in 1924, Stalin begins ruthlessly promoting himself as his political heir. Many in the party expect Red Army leader Leon Trotsky to be Lenin’s natural successor, but his ...