The Nikon Spinning Disc Confocal has seven laser lines (405, 445, 488, 515, 561, 594, 640nm) and two Andor 888 Ultra EMCCDs (13um pixels) allowing for rapid two color 3D imaging of living samples, ...
The inverted Nikon spinning disk confocal microscope is equipped with four laser lines (405, 488, 561, and 647 nm), 4x-40x air objective lenses, and 60x NA1.40 and 100x NA1.45 oil objective lenses.
To accommodate the trend of the development in life science research, CASI houses an advanced Olympus spinning-disc confocal microscope, which has an MITICO TIRF system with cutting-edge optic ...
A spinning-disk confocal microscope is a device that uses a series of moving pinholes on a pair of rotating discs to simultaneously scan multiple rather than single points of a subject.
Aurox Clarity is a laser free structured illumination spinning disc confocal that can be also used as a widefield microscope. The resolution is not quite as good as obtained by point scanning ...
The Wolfson Bioimaging Facility offers spinning disk microscopy as an alternative form of confocal imaging. Our Olympus IXplore SpinSR system incorporates Yokogawa CSU-W1 SoRa spinning disk and ...
Aston Institute for Membrane Excellence (AIME) has been awarded a £500,000 grant from the Wolfson Foundation to acquire an ultrafast spinning disc confocal microscope, enhancing research into ...
The main limitation was time resolution because endosomes move incredibly quickly. For example, researchers using spinning-disk confocal microscopy could not image every endosome within a cell at a ...
Immunofluorescence spinning disc microscopy images of organoids. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing ...
The Brandeis Light Microscopy facility provides instrumentation ... and epifluorescence microscopes, spinning disc and laser scanning confocal microscopes, 2-photon systems, and super-resolution ...
Measurement software Measurement functions (2D, 3D, Time-lapse, Map imaging), Viewing measurement and sampling data, Reporting functions (Image data, Video data), Whole-cell sampling ...
Aston Institute for Membrane Excellence (AIME) has received a £500,000 grant from the Wolfson Foundation to purchase an ultrafast confocal spinning disc microscope. This instrument will accelerate ...