About 75% of the world's food comes from 12 plants. Scientists estimate up to 30,000 species are edible. Not only does this bottleneck jeopardize our food supply if a major crop is impacted by drought ...
It’s a particularly prickly issue in the nightshade family, which includes important plants in the genus Solanum like the potato, the tomato and the aubergine. This is because traits that increase the ...
My particular focus of research is the taxonomy of the nightshade family Solanaceae, focusing on the megadiverse genus Solanum, which contains potatoes, tomatoes and eggplants and is one of only a ...
Beltsville, MD - A new study by the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) has demonstrated a significant improvement in biomass and yield in ...
Family Solanum (nightshade) is generally associated with toxins, and for good reasons, as most of the plants in this family are poisonous. This includes some of everyone’s favorite staple ...
Read the paper: Solanum pan-genetics reveals paralogues ... This study is a considerable step forward in plant genomics, demonstrating how such insights can be translated into tactics to improve ...