In the writing of this play the old sinner and cynic writes himself down as an incorrigible idealist. *Shaw’s play, Saint Joan, will be produced in Manhattan by the Theatre Guild, Dec. 28.
Friedman Theater on Broadway, he and Condola Rashad, his chipper Joan, stick close to the author's brief. Their Maid of Orleans is, as Shaw writes in the play's preface, 'a born boss.' ...
Set in 15th century France, Saint Joan follows a country girl whose mysterious more ...
From the age of 13, Joan claimed to have heard divine voices and seen visions of St. Michael, St. Catherine of Alexandria, and St. Margaret of Antioch. These divine messengers, she said ...
Otto Preminger showed courage when he decided to make G.B. Shaw's Saint Joan into a film and to star an unknown of next to no theatrical experience in the role. Jean Seberg of Marshalltown ...