In 2022, the NIH published a study stating the links between uterine cancer and hair relaxer use. Over 33,000 women participated in the Sister Study with 378 diagnosed with cancer over the course ...
Common cause of scalp burn is when the relaxer is left on the hair for longer than necessary. When I did my first ever perm, the hairdresser applied some petroleum jelly on the tips of my ears and ...
I alerted my hairdresser to it, politely, and she told me without reservation that the relaxer hadn’t worked yet so I would ...
A semi-permanent alternative to relaxer, a texture release temporarily loosens curls and coils. Two years into my natural hair journey, I was at my wit’s end with the dual texture of my hair.
Se relaxer, méditer, changer de vie : les podcasts sur la psychologie et le développement personnel fleurissent sur la toile. On vous a concocté une petite sélection pour apporter un peu plus ...
C’est elle qui a toutes les clés pour se relaxer, déstresser et entretenir la beauté naturelle de nos cheveux. A vos marques, prêtes, massez ! Depuis toujours, la médecine chinoise prône l ...