You saw a striking bird with a red head, did you? You wonder what it is. That shouldn't be too hard to figure out, should it? How many kinds of birds with red heads could there possibly be?
The red-winged blackbird, at home in cattail vegetation of Minnesota’s bountiful wetlands, lakes and rivers, is a welcome ...
Red-breasted mergansers are no exception with their distinctively shaggy head feathers. The American Bird Conservancy describes this notable feature as “a shaggy-looking double crest ...
Red-tailed hawks are known for their brick-colored tails, but there are more than a dozen subspecies of various colorations, and not all of them have this characteristic. These birds of prey are ...
At Sobieski Lodge on Thursday, March 13, at 7 p.m. at a Winona Bird Club meeting, the presentation “Red-headed woodpeckers at Trempealeau Refuge” will highlight a charismatic species. This event ...