In a nutshell Ferruaspis brocksi was found with its stomach contents, skin pigmentation, and even a parasitic mussel still ...
Japan has responded to the findings by announcing its first legal limits for radiation in fish and said it is considering a ban on exports of some marine products. Authorities also communicated ...
57, No. 6 (2012), pp. 1867-1876 (10 pages) Previous studies have demonstrated independent effects of both solar ultraviolet radiation (UV; 280–400 nm) and planktivorous fish on the vertical ...
levels of radiation from Fukushima have stayed stubbornly high in fish. In June 2012, the average contaminated fish catch had 65 becquerels of cesium per kilo. That’s much higher than the ...
The Japanese government isn't happy about China’s boosted radiation checks on marine products that are effectively blocking fresh fish imports from Japan and is making its displeasure known ...
But there was just a scattering of visitors in the gleaming six-story facility in Seoul, where teams of market officials pointed radiation detectors at fresh fish and seafood as they made random ...