DISCOURSE BY REV. HENRY WARD BERCHER. Plymouth Church was crowded yesterday morning to hear Mr. BEECHER's New-Year sermon. The reverend gentleman preached from the text found in Isaiah ...
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I survived the surgery. I’m back.” During the New Year’s Eve service, Jakes began his hourlong sermon by talking more about the health scare. “If all the odds have been against you ...
Sermon was a restricted free agent this offseason and while the Colts had the opportunity to apply one of the tenders to keep him off the market, they decided to wait until the new league year ...
Ministers who are obliged to preach Old Year or New Year sermons are usually hard put to know what to say. To preach about the year as something forever gone and past is a rather melancholy business.
Arthur Brooks, a Harvard professor who studies the science of happiness, told "CBS Mornings" that while many people make New Year's resolutions, their success rate is low. "About 50% of Americans ...