Born to Mahesh Bhatt and his first wife Kiran Bhatt, Pooja shares a unique connection with Alia Bhatt and Shaheen Bhatt, who are Mahesh Bhatt and his second wife Soni Razdan's daughters.
He recently attended the preview of his wife Soni Razdan ... see his youngest daughter, Alia Bhatt’s film Raazi. While a happy Mahesh refused to say anything about them, one heard that he was ...
Interestingly, he also mentioned how at only the final time did his father, Nanabhai Bhatt put sindoor on his mother’s hair parting, accepting her as his wife. Mahesh recalled his reaction back then ...
you always did and always do. Happy birthday pops/g-pa, there's no one like you." Pooja Bhatt, daughter of Mahesh Bhatt and his first wife, Kiran, also shared some beautiful insights about her father ...
Mahesh Bhatt is a prominent Indian film director, producer and screenwriter. He was born to Nanabhai Bhatt, (1915–1999), a Hindi film director-producer and a Shia Muslim mother. His parents ...