The First Congregational United Church of Christ in Park Ridge notified police about threats on a social media posting of its ...
While I may no longer be able to hang a ‘rectangular piece of fabric’ in my office, thanks to Rep. Trevor Lee and Sen. Daniel McKay, I have not lost my pride,” writes Taylor Knuth in an op-ed. “I ...
Utah lawmakers may have passed a bill to ban pride flags in schools and government buildings, but let’s be clear — this will not silence us, and it will not stop our work. Those of us in the LGBTQ+ ...
The colorful LGBTQ+ Pride flags displayed each June along Harrison Boulevard in Boise’s North End have been embattled for years. In June, more than 20 of the flags were stolen — the fourth ...
Suddenly, Pride flags started appearing all around ... "But there are so many more people that have love and support and will show that for others." ...
A large presence of attendees participated in the Rally for Love, Protest for Love event in Buffalo Grove on Saturday ...
Under the proposal, specific flags supporting a group or holiday would not be allowed. Events like Juneteenth or Pride or a thin blue line flag. “Or something ridiculous like a Nazi flag ...
Our Utah GOP is a disgrace. If your flag bill passes, you will have to fire me before I take down my Pride flag. It serves as a symbol to our LGBTQ youth that they are loved, supported and ...
SALT LAKE CITY (KUTV) — A crowd gathered at the Utah State Capitol Friday to wave a giant pride flag in response to the Utah Legislature passing HB 77, which bans pride and other flags in ...