Professor Stefan Berger, from The University of Manchester, says an initial slowness to react gave way to strong political and practical support - often behind the scenes- for Lech Walesa’s fledgling ...
wyjechał do Gdańska, zatrudniając się jako elektryk okrętowy w Stoczni Gdańskiej im. Lenina. Obrotny, wspominany przez kolegów jako gaduła, Lech szybko zakorzenił się w nowym środowisku. Dwa lata ...
The current political landscape is changing beyond recognition. Lech Walesa is one of the figures who was most influential in shaping the post-Cold War geopolitical status quo. We asked him how ...
In newly declassified diplomatic documents, Polish labor union leader Lech Walesa expressed the hope that his country could become “another Japan” in talks with then Japanese Prime Minister ...
PARIS, July 10. /TASS/. Poland’s former President Lech Walesa has called on the West not to be limited by liberating Ukraine. France’s Le Figaro on Sunday published fragments on Walesa’s ...