Several companies are making significant strides towards commercial availability of flying cars. The post Who will win the ...
The pipe dream of flying cars is no longer science fiction — they are here and now as both private buyers and the military ...
We look at the stats for the Doroni HX-1 and Klein Vision AirCar to see which might prevail in a commuter airplane duel. Both ...
We are not going to have the Jetsons-type reality where everyone will be flying around everywhere in the next two to three years.” China is also vying to make flying cars a reality, a quest that ...
Jetson has implemented several safety features, including: A race car-inspired safety cell design The ability to fly safely with the loss of one motor Hands-free hover and emergency functions A ...
The revolution in air travel is here! Flying cars being developed worldwide (Upper left photo: Joby Aviation, upper right photo: Jetson / lower left: Air X, lower right: LIFT Aircraft) It's long ...
We are not going to have the Jetsons-type reality where everyone will be flying around everywhere in the next two to three years.” China is also vying to make flying cars a reality, a quest that ...
Their aircraft boasts impressive specifications, including a top speed of 124 mph and a power-to-weight ratio comparable to Formula 1 cars. The demonstration by Jetson marks a significant ...