Unlike the fictional hoverboard from BTTF, though, Lexus' creation does indeed work on water... assuming there's a properly magnetic surface below the surface. We're sure you've got questions ...
With hydro-thrusters at the hands and feet, Flyboard enabled water-powered flight and incredible ariel tricks. The folks from Zapata Racing are back with their latest innovation, the Hoverboard.
For one, the Hoverboard floats on water – that's right, no longer do you have to totally avoid the inlets and rivers that spawn around the Overgrowth. The Hoverboard works the same on land as on ...
the device “does not work on water.” “Finally! This totally awesome 1:1 replica of the hover board from the BTTF 2 and BTTF 3 films includes multiple whooshing sounds and will glide over ...