About 90% of flowering plants rely on animals to transfer their pollen and optimize reproduction, making pollination one of ...
All told, insect pollinators contribute to one-third ... which can chill their flight muscles to the point that they cannot fly. Bees are not fast fliers; while their wings beat over 11,000 ...
and the highest we’ve proven an insect could theoretically fly. After all, just because a bee doesn’t want to summit Everest doesn’t mean it couldn’t. The Guinness World Record for highest ...
Unprecedented images show how the insects cook invaders alive ... the predators snatching bees out of the air and then flying away with their victims, which would be carved up later and fed ...
In the West, entomophobia—trepidation and anxiety around insects—is well developed ... the wings and legs of a passing bee. Tiny desert bees might fly only 50 meters (about 150 feet) from ...
In extreme cases, a bee sting can cause life-threatening anaphylaxis. Approximately 5% to 7.5% of people will experience a severe allergic reaction to insect stings in their lifetimes. In ...