Publié le 25 décembre 2014 à 12 h 54 HAE Prenez note que cet article publié en 2014 pourrait contenir des informations qui ne sont plus à jour. La Roumanie souligne en ce jour de Noël ...
A former Romanian prosecutor claims that the sound technology allegedly used in Belgrade last Saturday is a similar but more ...
Thousands of Romanians gathered in cities across the country and in major European capitals on Saturday, March 15, in a show ...
Nous et un nombre restreint de nos partenaires publicitaires utilisons des témoins pour recueillir certaines de vos données et les utilisons afin d’améliorer votre expérience et de vous ...
En décembre 1989, la Roumanie bascule. Le régime de Nicolae Ceaușescu prend fin, entraîné par la chute du mur de Berlin et l’effondrement des démocraties populaires. Contrairement aux ...
Looking back on history, we are reminded of the Nicolae Ceausescu regime of Romania, the Saddam Hussein regime of Iraq and the Muammar Gaddafi regime of Libya. We must not forget that these men ...
In your head it's not over, even if that time is over,” she said. She said that she was one of the lucky ones, having made it out of Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu's regime to escape to West ...
The movie about the Romanian revolution of 1989 is "set in the recent past, (but) can be seen as a reflection of the present ...
Movie"The final 15 years of the Ceausescu regime were the worst in Romania's history. Nonetheless, the propaganda machine of that time referred without fail to that period as “the golden age”..
Nicolae Ceausescu had created a repressive regime that fostered a cult of the personality. He had completely lost touch with the reality of every day life for the majority of the country and had ...