when the white-and-gray cat lunged at my hand and bit it — ouch! — one evening before bed. The bite left a small puncture wound below my left thumb, and it stung as I washed it and slathered ...
Sometimes all seems fine as an owner pets their cat on the couch. It returns the favor with licks, but then suddenly it nips at their hand. These kinds of nibbles are known as "love bites." ...
Ever puzzled as to why your cat suddenly bites at your hand while you're petting and stroking it? Rest assured, your feline companion hasn't had a sudden mood shift, nor does it intend to scratch ...
It sounds as if your cat is suffering from hair loss (or alopecia), which can be caused by several factors. It can be due to a problem with the hair follicles, abnormalities of the hair growth ...
But most don't realise that biting might also have a more gentle meaning, depending on what mood your cat is in. A pet behaviourist named Dr Annie answered a viewers question about why their cat ...
A stock image of a black and white cat biting and scratching a person's hand. A stock image of a black and white cat biting and scratching a person's hand. Bogdan Kurylo/Getty Images Play ...