A former leader of an ayahuasca church in Florida is facing criminal charges over accusations he randomly sucker punched a ...
Some churches, like the CEC, use it for its sacred religious rituals. Ayahuasca, which has gained popularity over the past decade including among celebrities, is classified as a Schedule I drug.
Religious studies instructor Larissa Carneiro has followed her romantic and academic heart to Durham and then back to Brazil to study the ayahuasca-embracing Church of Santo Daime, “Saint Give Me” “To ...
From January 25 to 30, 207 members of 34 ethnic groups from Brazil and seven other countries (Colombia, Peru, Mexico, ...
It contained “la medicina,” a syrupy brown decoction of chacruna leaves and ayahuasca vines boiled down for two days and then decanted into old water bottles. At the start of the ceremony ...
Growing numbers of tourists are travelling to the Peruvian Amazon to drink ayahuasca, a traditional plant medicine said to bring about a higher state of consciousness. Foreigners come looking for ...