Serum ferritin ... anemia. Older patients with unexplained anemia are often referred for colonoscopy as a first step, but that practice makes sense only when the anemia is caused by iron deficiency.
The primary purpose of the ferritin test is to evaluate the body's iron levels and diagnose potential health conditions. Iron ...
Oral iron improved fatigue symptoms in nonanemic menstruating women with low ferritin levels. Does iron deficiency cause fatigue in the absence of anemia? If so, can oral iron therapy improve ...
Iron deficiency may be linked to non-dialysis-dependent chronic kidney disease and mortality in patients without anemia, according to results of a nationwide cohort study.While iron is a key component ...
with a serum ferritin >50 ng/mL and a decreased total iron binding capacity. Hence, the "anemia of chronic disease" is not secondary to iron deficiency but the inability of the reticuloendothelial ...
Non-transfusion-dependent thalassemia (NTDT) patients manage their anemia without ... can affect ferritin levels, necessitating the use of additional markers such as total iron binding capacity ...