The Battle of Salamis was one of the decisive battles of world history, in which the small city-states of ancient Greece joined forces to take on the mighty Persian Empire. After the defeat and death ...
One of the most outstanding messengers in ancient history was Euchid, who gained fame for his journey following the Battle of ...
Unlike the nearby ancient city of Salamis whose Roman ruins stand to this day (not to be confused with the Island of Salamis just west of Athens), few traces of the ancient site now known as ...
Her major claim to fame occurred during the battle of Salamis, which King Xerxes of Persia watched from his golden throne on the shore. Finding herself trapped between the deadly Greek triremes ...
The spectacular defeat of the Persians at Salamis in 480 led to the formation ... The result was the Delian League, a sort of ancient equivalent to NATO. Few records remain of this initial meeting ...