A male great white shark, nicknamed Contender, has been tagged by researchers from the non-profit group OCEARCH off the coast ...
That’s a big catch! North Carolina fisherman caught a massive great white shark that drifted ashore in an unincorporated community on Hatteras Island – approximately 30 miles east of the mainland. “I ...
A pair of North Carolina fishermen recently reeled in a Great White Shark during a 30-minute encounter before releasing it ...
A 637-pound great white shark has traveled thousands of miles over the last two years and is now heading toward Louisiana's ...
While fans of the movie and novel “Jaws” might envision an encounter with a 22-foot great white shark as being daunting, ...
TERRIFYING footage shows the moment a group of fishermen wrestled a great white shark back into the water after catching it.
It's confirmed: the orca has targeted the great white sharks of Australia. A recent study, published in the scientific ...
When scientists in New Zealand checked the footage from an underwater camera, they expected to see a variety of fish and some sharks, and they did. But, much to their surprise, they had also recorded ...